Siding Replacement Project in Kalama Washington
Kalama, Washington is a small but lovely town that sits along the Columbia River as it winds its way through Cowlitz County.
Dating back to the 19th century, today the city has a population of about 2,600 people and is known for its antique boutiques and collection of totem poles, including the tallest totem pole carved from a single tree in the world, towering at 140 feet.
It was up in Kalama that, not too long ago, the siding contractors here at KVN Construction helped a client secure the future of their home by installing brand new James Hardie siding.
KVN Construction Spotlight: Kalama
It’s not always just old homes that need work done. Sometimes houses that were built recently need to be brought up to standard. This can happen when an inexperienced team is hired, or when people attempt to DIY things.
The house of our client was fairly new, but the metal siding was causing some issues and needed to be replaced. After a thorough inspection we got to work, stripping off the old metal siding and replacing it with both James Hardie Smooth Lap siding and James Hardie Smooth panel siding.
We then finished off the exterior by applying a couple layers of Sherwin Williams SuperPaint.
The client wanted a modern look, which we feel we definitely achieved. See these Kalama siding before and after pictures for yourself:
One of the homes in Kalama before the new siding installation

Before new siding installation at Kalama Washington home

After new siding installation at Kalama Washington home
Your Neighbor’s Siding Contractor in Kalama
Need a siding contractor in Kalama? Siding naturally wears down as it gets exposed to the elements.
Some of the most visible signs you need new siding include rot and cracks, while less obvious signs include slightly bent panels or even higher heating bills as your HVAC system tries to compensate for the lack of insulation provided by shoddy siding.
As you saw, though, even improperly installed new siding can cause issues. After all, siding is one of the most important parts of a house.
If you need new siding in Kalama, then, you’ll want a team that knows what they’re doing, a team that already has experience preparing homes for the unique climate of Cowlitz County. Ideally, you’ll want a team with a successful Kalama track record – a team like KVN Construction!
Best Reviewed Siding Contractors in Kalama
We’re proud to say that KVN Construction is one of the best reviewed siding contractors in Kalama and the surrounding areas.
This is because we bring our best effort to every job we perform. We’re residents of the Pacific Northwest ourselves, and want to do all we can to make Cascadia shine.
Don’t just take our word for it, though – see the many positive reviews on Google to hear directly from KVN clients!
You’ll see that, just like the Kalama client featured above, many homeowners throughout the region have been more than satisfied with our work.
This is why – unlike most of our competitors – we’ve been able to stay in business for more than 20 years and have actually had zero claims filed by clients.
Best Styles and Colors of James Hardie Siding for Homes in Kalama
As for type of siding, KVN works with James Hardie elite, preferred in Kalama. Why?
For one, James Hardie siding is incredibly durable and will last a long time in the face of any weather Washington state can throw at it. Next, it looks great, as you can see from the “After” picture above.
Finally, James Hardie offers the best siding warranty in Kalama.
When it comes to best styles and colors, we’ll be happy to help you figure out which will look best for your home. James Hardie offers a wide variety – feel free to take a look at our gallery here and start thinking about what kind of aesthetic you want to go for.
How Much Does New James Hardie Siding Cost in Kalama?
With all these benefits you might be expecting a high price, but that’s the other great thing about James Hardie siding – the cost is very reasonable, especially for what you’re getting.
The overall cost of installing new James Hardie siding in Kalama depends on a few factors like the size of your home. In general, however, we can say that costs run between $12,000 and $18,000 for an average-sized home of 1,500 square feet.
Cost of Siding Repair in Kalama
Of course, you might not always need brand new siding – we may be able to repair your existing siding.
The overall cost of siding repair also depends on a few factors, like the age of the siding and the type of material used. For example, vinyl siding will cost somewhere between $400 and $800 to repair per every 200 square feet.
Free Siding Quote for Kalama Homeowners
At the end of the day, the best way to know just how much your brand new or repaired Kalama siding will cost is to get a free quote from the Kalama exterior contractors at KVN Construction.
Of course, we’ll also let you know if we think your existing siding can be repaired or if it makes more sense to have fresh new siding installed.
We’ll tell you exactly what needs to be done and then, if you agree to work with us – the siding quote is, of course, no obligation – get it done in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible. No nonsense here!
If you’d like us to inspect your home’s siding situation, or already know you’d like to work with us, feel free to contact KVN Construction. We’re here to help!