There are some clear signs it’s time to call roofers in Portland, like missing shingles or leaks. Ignoring these issues may lead to expensive repairs and structural damage. 

When should you start to worry about your roof? According to Portland roofing contractors, an adequately maintained rooftop can last many years, giving you peace of mind and saving you money. However, this only holds true when it’s well-maintained. 

Benefit from a strong rooftop for many years by being proactive. Here are five signs to look out for that are reason enough for worry.  

1. Damaged Shingles 

Damaged shingles are perhaps the easiest type of damage to spot. Are there any missing or loose shingles? This is an early indication that there’s a roof issue. Shingles are designed to shield your home from the outdoor elements. If they’re missing or damaged, they can’t properly do their job. 

2. Leaks 

Leaks are another indicator that it’s time to worry about your roof. If you see any water stains on your walls or ceilings, your roofing may have a leak.  

There are many reasons for leaks: missing shingles, poor flashing, or worn-out sealants. To stop more damage from occurring, it’s critical to contact roofers in Portland as soon as you suspect your roof is leaking. Leaving it unattended can lead to a roof replacement.  

3. Wear and Tear  

Prior to purchasing a home, it’s likely you inquired about the age of the roof. This is crucial information when deciding whether to purchase a property. If the roof is quite old with wear and tear, you’re looking at a hefty investment.  

Roofing companies in Portland will be able to tell you if a roof is nearing its lifespan. If it is, be sure to ask for an estimate on how much it will cost to replace it. Cost varies depending on the material, the size, and the condition of your rooftop.  

4. Bad Weather 

The effects of the weather can harm your shingles. This is why you should contact a reputable roofing contractor in Portland after a strong storm. They’ll be able to tell you if any damage has occurred as a result of the storm. If so, they’ll offer an estimate, and many roofing contractors in Portland even go as far as helping you get the cost covered by your insurance. 

5. Inspect Your Roof 

It’s crucial to get your roof evaluated by Portland roofers twice a year. This ensures your rooftop is in mint condition and will only increase the value of your home. Should you ever decide to sell your home, you’ll receive higher offers. A damaged roof can significantly impact a home’s value.  

Therefore, inspect your roof occasionally and after strong storms. For a professional evaluation of your roof, be sure to work with top roofing companies in Portland.  


There are a number of indicators that show it’s time to worry about your roof – leaks, missing shingles, damaged shingles, wear and tear, etc.  

It’s encouraged to contact a Portland roofing contractor biannually for a roof inspection. They’ll be able to evaluate the state of your roof and make any necessary repairs.